Saturday 6 June 2015

Happy Fathers Day

03:48 Posted by Unknown No comments
Fathers Day is celebrated on 21 June of every year. Its an occasion on which children boy or girl, his or his wish his father a very very happy fathers day. fathers day started in early 20th century in united states to celebrate fatherhood and to complement Mother's Day.  Her father raised six children as a single parent.  It was first celebrated on June 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA by Sonora Smart Dodd. She heard about Mother's Day in 1909 and told her pastor she thought fathers should have a similar holiday.The local clergymen agreed to the idea and the first Father's Day sermon was given on June 19, 1910.

So if this year you are willing to celebrate your fathers day with your father then wish you best of luck for it.

Then best of luck for u it.
Here are some good Colloection of father day you would like it :-

Fathers Day Quotes :- Click Here

Fathers Day Images :-

Fathers Day SMS :-

Fathers Day Poems :- Click Here


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